I'm going to throw this little bone out there. Take it, leave it, whatever. But, here it is.
I hate the Arizona Cardinals.
For reasons I can't quite fathom, ever summer we read about how this perenial joke of a franchise is going to overtake Seattle for the NFC West crown. We hear how well they drafted, how that one free agent will put them over the top. This is despite the fact that they haven't won 9 games in a season since 1998 (wonder if they'll make a 10 year patch for next season) and haven't won 10 games since 1976.
Look, I'm not saying Seattle has been a model of consistency through out its history, but the past few years have been, to say the least, a succesful. How fitting is it that Seattl'e NFC best 50th win since the start of the 2003 season could come against the team that has exactly half that total in the same span?
Seattle has been twice as successful as their feathered rivals, yet Arizona gets twice the media love. Yeah, it irks me. I'm a fan, its my job to get ticked off about this.
So, like many other Seahawk fans, I'm really excited that the club can sew up another division crown and get revenge for a week 2 loss. Its time for Alexander to make up for his fumble. Lets protect the ball, make life miserable for Arizona, and remind them how a real football team wins divisions.
[Comments taken in SeahawkBlue Forums]