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And unlike comparing great athletes from different sports or different eras, there isn't much physical or statistical data on either of these women, so we're going to have to do our best using their Wikipedia profiles and some good imagination. So if someone would please "ring the bell you pansy" we'll get right to the ABC Battle of the Network Stars: Round 1: AGE Hasselbeck: Born: May 28, 1977 (30) O'Donnell: Born: March 21, 1962 (45) While Rosie's profession as a stand-up comedian, not to mention her off the wall political views, has probably toughened her up to take a punch, you just can't discount youth, especially if the match goes the distance. ADVANTAGE: Hasselbeck Round 2: HEIGHT/WEIGHT Hasselbeck: Unknown, but ideal! O'Donnell: Unknown, but ideal for a defensive tackle ADVANTAGE: O'Donnell Round 3 - HOMETOWN Hasselbeck: Cranston, RI O'Donnell: Bayside, Queens At first glance, you might be tempted to give the native NYer the edge over the blue-blood from the yacht club, but not so fast. After all, Rosie's from Queens, which isn't exactly the Bronx, and both areas are noted hotbeds for organized crime. ADVANTAGE: PUSH Round 4 - COLLEGE Hasselbeck: Boston College O'Donnell: Dickinson Hasselbeck attended a school which is noteworthy for being a powerhouse in major sports over the years, herself captaining the softball team for two seasons. O'Donnell's school sounds like two things she wish she had. ADVANTAGE: Hassebeck Round 5 - WHERE THEY GOT THEIR START Hasselbeck: Survivor O'Donnell: Star Search Let's see, Elisabeth's claim to fame is finishing fourth in a brutal contest of mental toughness, physical strength, shrewd negotiations, and endurance, all while wearing a bikini. Rosie hung with Ed McMahon and Dick Clark swilling beers and lighting farts. ADVANTAGE: Hasselbeck Round 6 - LIFESTYLE Hasselbeck: Conservative working mother, with another on the way O'Donnell: Liberal lesbian in a common law union with three children While most men hear "lesbian" and immediately think of their favorite Penthouse pictorial on the subject, the stark truth is that Rosie is more of a poster girl for the lifestyle than Miss August. And while Mrs. Hasselbeck is certainly deliciously attractive, those conservative views would certainly keep her from ever engaging in something so torrid as an extramarital affair, or at least prevent her from enjoying it if she did! ADVANTAGE: PUSH Round 7 - CORNER MAN Hasselbeck: Husband Tim, Father-in-Law Don and/or Brother-in-Law Matt O'Donnell: The flaming pianist from her other talk show, Jon Stewart and/or Al Franken Let's see, three professional athletes with NFL experience versus two Jews and a gay guy? Hmmmm...this one is tough. ADVANTAGE: Hasselbeck Round 8 - INTAGIBLES Hasselbeck: Makes us horny O'Donnell: Makes us laugh (some WITH her, some AT her) ADVANTAGE: Hasselbeck So you see that even though Rosie may seem like one of Mike Vick's pit bulls going up against Lady from the Disney movies, our fair young Ms. Hasselbeck has more than enough going her way to give that loud-mouthed dyke the bitch-slapping she so richly deserves! [Comments taken in SeahawkBlue Forums] |